I have save device in my map that uses Persistent data.
I want to reset this data every 2 weeks.
Will it be reseted when i delete and put this device again, or do you have any other solutions?
I have save device in my map that uses Persistent data.
I want to reset this data every 2 weeks.
Will it be reseted when i delete and put this device again, or do you have any other solutions?
No one knows?
Soo i had to ask the support, they didn’t know and asked me to ask here. Here no one knows too? How to reset persistent data?
Still waiting
Hey @BLG_Siek
you could store your data and the date of creation inside a GameInstance blueprint and copy the data to modify it. Then you would need a function that gets the current date and checks the difference between the date of creation and the current date and resets if the time difference (e.g. weeks) is dividable by 2. The problem with this method is that you would have to save if the data got a reset or not and when this reset happened.