Hello. I followed [this][1] guide from the forums to use the Remote Build Tool, so I can use my Mac on the network to build an UE4 project from Windows, for IOS.
There is a step in the package process that creates an error. Apparently it is creating a group of files in ~/UE4/Builds/(PC )/C/UE4/(PROJECT NAME)/Binaries/IOS/XcodeSupportFiles/
I can get past this step by giving the permissions to the files after they are created and before they are copied. But I’d like to know why is this happening and how to fix it.
I get another error later but I’ll make a new Question for that.
EDIT: Today I had this same problem with the permissions again with a project I copied when upgraded to 4.9preview4. I was able to remote build successfully after deleting everything in the project’s dir except the .uproject file, and the folders content, source, and config.
Also I had other errors with remote building when the copied project’s directory had a different name than the original. Original is called “ZombieCount”, and the copied was called “ZombieCount 4.9”. During the packaging process It was creating some files called “ZombieCount 4”, and then it looked them up with the as “ZombieCount”, so it couldn’t find them.
Thank you for your patience. Are you positive that you’ve set up all of the provisions correctly for iOS development? Have you checked over this [documentation][1] thoroughly? Is this issue still occurring in 4.9.0 Preview 4, or have you not tried the preview yet?
Could you please provide your full , not just a screenshot so that we can look over that information further?
We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will offer further assistance.