Permanent buff upgrades?

I want to make a store that permanently upgrades buffs for example, Increase Fire rate, Projectile damage, etc, I tried… But for weeks I cannot figure out, Heres the code I was using,

This is to refresh the saved game and set the fire rate

And this is to purchase the upgrade so that it can be refreshed and used, Now I tried it and now I shoot like a minigun /: When I clearly set the delay to 1.0 So can anyone help?

So that It will constantly be updated

Wait a sec was I supposed to use Event Begin Play

NVM Did not work

Why are you saving & loading game on Tick? Top screenshot.

You’re loading and saving game 60 times per second…

It’s this generally speaking:

Pressing 1 buys firerate updgrade. Next time the game starts, we load this value from the save data.

Playing for the first time, the firerate is 1, firing 1 per second:

Image from Gyazo

Buying 4 upgrades brings it to 5, we now shoot 5 times per second:

Image from Gyazo

Restarting the game yields the same results as above. We fire more quickly.

Hope this helps.

Wow great job!!! but is there a way to limit the Firerate from (0 - 5)? also can I pls see the code in the Collapsed Graph Thats it

You can clamp values like so:

the Collapsed

That’s just the standard spawn projectile stuff from the template, I copied it and collapsed so it takes less space.