I’m working on a simple sidescrolling mobile game and I’m using all the UE4 default animations and assets just to prototype actual gameplay. I managed to get the game on my iPhone5S running at 60fps. But when I tried it on my iPad mini2, the performance dropped down to 25fps or so. I set the device content scaling to 2 just like the documentation suggested. I have no special art assets or anything that is resource intensive in the map at all… It’s pretty much the sidescrolling example map and mannequin. Is that the usual performance on iPads? Or am i missing some setting that’s making the whole thing lag?
Using the following wiki page as a reference: [IOS Device Compatibility][1] and the following Key:
LDR (TappyChicken) - Low Dynamic Range. The highest performance tier supported in UE4 and is recommended for games that do not require lighting or postprocessing features
Basic Lighting (StrategyGame) - Leverages static lighting and fully rough Materials to create levels with interesting lighting while maximizing performance to reach a broader range of mobile devices
Full HDR w/ Sun (SunTemple) - This tier is the same as the ‘Full HDR’ tier and has the same advantages and recommendations except that a single directional light is rendered at much higher quality
We see the that depending on the lighting, there could be that much of an expected frame rate drop comparing the iPad Mini 2 and the iPhone 5S: