Performance issue

I’ve noticed that in the mobile version of a game developped by Unreal Engine there is a strange dramatic fps drop which occurs at very frequent intervals. I’ve created a demonstration video of it and a profiler file, which may help you to shed some light on the problem. The video has been made examinating the game I’m creating with Unreal Engine 4.12.5 ( yestarday updated to 4.13 version), but you can see the fps drop also in the project “SunTemple”. As soon as I run the game in a Samung Galaxy s5 Neo, the fps number corresponds to 30. The problem comes when, standing still in one point, or moving through the map, the fps number decreases autonomously at a frightning rate ( as shown in the video I made for you )
The fps numbers starts with 30, after a while falls down to 22, then 19 and finally 15. How is it possible?

Link profiler .ue4stat file:

Thank you all for your support.

Your phone may be overheating. When the temperature goes up, the phone throttles down the clockrate to keep it from being damaged which causes the framerate to drop. Do you have the device in a case which doesn’t allow cooling?

Hi, thank you for your answer. The smartphone I used for the test has no cover. Although actually, I noticed that it overheats very much after about 40/50 seconds. I’ve also tried with OnePlus 3 but also with this one I start playing with 60 fps but after the same 40/50 sec it turns down to 45 fps and it overheats almost as much as Samsung Galaxy s5 neo. Can you tell me a way not to overheat the smartphone that much? Thank you!

ccp talked alot about unreal android heating issues at this talk -

also you should see if its cpu or gpu bound Performance and Profiling | Unreal Engine Documentation

In my project.

I get smooth 60 fps even on the lowest of hardwares. But their comes instances when the frame and game suddenly jump to an enormous ms amount for a brief instance and then go back to normal. Also the game somtimes skips some frames and makes my character moving ahead jump ahead.

It happens at completely random. Weird.

The phone stays cool at all times.

By your video it looks like you are using Dynamic sky? That is costly
And also try to make your materials as much as possible unlit. There is also an option in the materials to make them fully rough and disable reciving lightmap resolution.
Also you can set minimum draw distance to static meshes.
Try to use minimum lights and if you use, as much as static lights as possible.
Use as much material instances as possible rather than making new materials.
Don’t use high resolution textures.

thank you for your answer. I’ve tried to create a brand new project. I removed Dynamic sky and I ran the game on a Samsung Galaxy S5 Neo. As a result, at the beginning the fps were 60, but then they went gradually down till 28 in about 2 minutes… It’s like somthing is not working properly here. Can you tell me why? I’m using 4.11 Unreal Engine version. Thanks a lot for your help.
These is a sample video just to show you: DROP FPS 2 - YouTube

Did you ever find an answer? Im running my dev on a galaxy s22 ultra. All of my textures have LOD bias of 3 and ive used lowest size everything in my game. Im still running hot and losing frames. Id love to hear if there was any changes you made in your project to get things smoothed out.