I`ve read many topics about my issue, but never really came to a conclusion why this is happening.
So I´ve created a game. And for testing reasons, i wanted to pack it so I can send it to my mates, wanting to test it.
As soon as I start the Standalone packed version, the framerate drops to 2 or .5 depending on what I changed in the graphic settings i´ve implemented.
So my question now is, how can I know what is causing this massive performance issue?
HI @Leomerya12,
I´ve changed the settings again, to Target platform: scalable.
But after that I`ve got an error when packing.
I´ve checked the error, looked up some topics here, changed the settings, the users marked as the solution. Since then, everytime I pack the game, my computer gets a bluescreen without any errorcode.
Ok i found out in the GPU Visualiser that I have an issue with my pcg generated floor.
I understood what this is and why, but now I have no Idea how I can fix this.
Are you on a laptop, or on a desktop with both “integrated” and “discrete” graphics?
Chances are, your driver has white-listed the editor, and runs that on the “discrete” graphics card, but hasn’t white-listed the built game EXE, so that ends up running on the “integrated” graphics, which is a lot slower.
Exactly how to fix this depends on your particular system – both the brand of the graphics/CPU, and the brand of the system itself (because often this configuration is part of some shovelware.)