Perform movement by DataTable

Hi all,
I’m new to Unreal, so please be indulgent with me…:wink:
I have a static mesh, that should perform several movements.
The movements are given by position, rotation and movement time data from a DataTable.


When it has finished the movement of the first row, it should start doing the movement of the second row and so on.

To perfom the first movement in’t challenging, but I don’t have any idea how to start with the other movements…

It would be great, if you could help me, thanks in advance!

You should be able to drag from the ‘completed’ peg and do the exact same steps as before:

  • Get Data Table Row 2
  • Break your table out
  • Move component to again

Edit: Remember that MoveComponentTo is Async, which means it will fire as soon as it completes.