Perforce problems with utf16

At the moment we have the problem that some files uploaded by Perforce get corrupted. Apparently Perforce has a problem with UTF16-LE, which are all files created by Unreal.
For anyone with the same problem, here is a workaround:
One workaround is to ask the creator of the files (who has the uncorrupted files) to manually change them to UTF-8 and then push the files again.

Right now, we use the helix client to push our commits (or changes, whatever you want to call them). We also use the typemap from the official Unreal documentation. Does anyone have a solution?

I’m just curious - is your helix server running on a Windows or Linux host?

Our helix server runs on a Linux machine.

Thanks for letting me know. My helix server also runs on Linux and so far I never had any issues with corrupted files.

Apparently the “Copyright Notice” had an “ä” in it (so not a UTF-8 character), wherefor all .c, .hpp and maybe many other files were created with UTF-16. I should add a counter for how often I had problems with the German umlauts (not only in Unreal).

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