UE5 is good… but not very good for moderate PCs, or even solo devs in general, project sizes bloat too easily and compile times run high… we load bloated textures on “Nanite” beautiful objects but can’t find the bandwidth, this means we need an algorithm and/or repository to solve this issue, we also run into constant templates that clash… this is a solvable issue that could mean GIANT profits and massive game dev motivation!
combine quixel and common textures onto the drive for multiple games/UE projects: (see How to deal with UE5 nanite huge objects in new games? An elegant solution? )
“indy dev” mode that automatically uses generic simplified textures for all complex material with AI upscaling for absolute minimal drive space usage, saved projects also have a convenient “clipped” mode that removes the junk from a project before saving or compiling, for example I used paragon assets but they used entire branches in the paragon directory… these could be clipped saving tons of space
- This mode has simplified and faster compiling by reducing compression techniques; easier emphasis on modding possibilities with the trade off of a “larger” client install, which will be small when using AI texture techniques, it compiles a core quickly then relies on on-load scripting out of the box, everything simplified on the front-end with a highly functional and modifiable back-end for the rare projects that need it, compiling also needs an “auto-fix” mode defaulted to ON which fixes obvious errors during compiling with a warning; the lack simply slows us all down without purpose
- SLOW DOWN releases, but BUG FIX EVERYTHING, so many even strong devs of UE5 seem to be hitting a brick wall in their development due to lacking backwards compatibility and random unsolved bugs, slowing down engine progress in favour of bug fixing to ensure many companies can adopt UE5 in its current versions or compatible similar releases, perhaps even separating into versions of UE and ensuring compatibility with old patches for UE4 to be maximized compatible and future proofed; this is also necessary for the next suggestions;
Give us solid templates with in-depth documentation; FPS, RTS, Action RPG (overhead and third person), full menus, full multiplayer backend, every popular gamemod gets released into simple code chunks kept in a folder; new game types are released to us the public, you want to mix BR with extraction modes?! These are here for you, well documented, compatible with everything else you’d want out of the box… the best part? This will INCREASE PROFIT at Epic games! (*see below)
Every game coming out wants an RPG inventory system… no new FPS games keep an audience without it, hardcore systems are on the rise; include these templates in convenient debugged packages… why are we slowing down progress by not offering not only a fully fledged well documented template; but a BUG FREE template? Everyone involved in game design understands the absolute slowdown EVERY company building a game will have solving incompatibilities between versions and templates… we need this standardized and worked on as a singular open source team, THIS work should not be repeated, the real workers are the artists; from broad early design visualizations to cutting-edge shader coders, this is all win-win…
“But this will bankrupt triple-A gaming!!11!” … first of all… good? Also; it won’t, it will force them to put man hours on creating content; content that won’t bloat your drive with the shared texture repository and algorithmic techniques (see: .kkrieger, small algorithm textures are a thing, with how old this game is we should be progressing in this realm for a more efficient tomorrow across the board)
*If you must… let EVERYONE use these templates… the more of the templates a developer uses; the drastically higher amount they’ll pay Unreal Dev royalties… put power in gamers hands and force these big companies to put the correct kind of work in, knowing the good honest ones will just be flat out happy with these changes.
Indie devs will finally compete and force triple-A progress like never before.
Look forward to any comments and future bothering of you! uwu