People buying cheap Assets for commercial 3D printing - BIG PROBLEM


This issue probably hasn’t even brought up to Epic and it is a big deal because it affects content, devs, artists and pricing in the 3D market. Ultimately, making Games far more expensive and difficult to publish.

Lately, there is boom happening with home 3D printer enthusiasts re-selling everything they can find on the internet. Many coming here to the Marketplace and purchasing our products not to use them in Games but to print them out thousands of times and reselling them on Amazon or Etsy.

In other words, we’re doing the hard work while they’re cashing the goods.


Well, this is something that people from Epic will need to talk about. My own solution would be to disable the “EXPORT” button from UE5 if the asset was purchase from the Marketplace or FAB. This lock will prevent the “non Dev” users from exploiting our assets for its own convince, while giving game Devs the freedom of using them all over Unreal. That solution will also make Assets a lot cheaper and accessible, thus helping both Devs and Artists.

Let me know what you think about and what solution would you apply.