PCG - Spline sampler multiple spline in same actor

Good morning,

I would like to make a “Sampler” of multiple splines in the same “Actor”.
In this case I have a “WaterBodyRiver” blueprint with two additional splines to create the left and right river edge so I can control the direction of the mesh on each spline individually, the problem that “Get Spline Data” takes all three together without the ability to select a single spline. There is a solution?

Add a tag on each spline component (e.g. tag one spline “left” and the other “right”), then in the PCG graph, use a “Filter by Tag” node after Get Spline Data to filter for the tag of the spline you want to use in that part of your graph. Do not use the “Filter on Tags” parameter in the properties panel of the Get Spline Data node. If you mouse over that, you’ll see a tooltip saying it’s deprecated (at least in 5.3).


Hi. I have in my BP few spline, and i add to them different tags. In PCG i add tag to filter and it doesn’t work. Just warning no actor found.

Try adding a Filter by Tag node to your graph after Get Spline Data. Don’t use the properties on the Get Spline Data node itself.