PCG project points onto an upright surface (eg. bullet holes)

I’m trying to cast some points horizontally (rather than top-down), and I’m using World Ray Cast Query:

If I set the ray direction to be 0,0,1, it’ll nicely cast the bottom sides of any geo:

ok great :+1:

Unfortunately, when I change the direction of the ray to be only in the X direction:

the points are only cast along the very top edge of the PCG volume, like so:

The same thing happens if I don’t override the ray direction and just rotate the PCG volume 90deg on its side. I’m guessing this is related to the direction being world space only, or being intended to work with landscapes.

I was hoping to use this solution as it doesn’t require tagging meshes or selecting meshes explicitly, but just hits any geometry. Is there a way to use it horizontally?