I’m currrently testing PCG. I created a PCG graph that generate a road on a spline and I wanted to know if it was possible to paint the road with one of the landscape layer automatlically in pcg on the bound of my road ? I was able to get the landscape blend weights by using the get landscape data, I could also change the value with the AddAttribute node but I don’t know how to make the landscape update the visual based on these new value in PCG.
Is it possible ? Will it be a futur development ?
I’m just brainstorming here, but perhaps you could create some logic to create a texture based on the spline, that masks out the part of the landscape where you want the road to be, and then feed that to the landscape material through a dynamic material instance?
In your PCG Graph, search for Projection from the TYPE: (typically top left) and drag out from “Projection Target” to search for ‘Get Landscape Data’. This will project anything from the sampled spline onto the targeted landscape. See screenshots for an example of projecting a railing and two different dirt samples using the same spline.
What I’ve done that worked is use the Editor Apply Spline node in my blueprints for my paths and rivers to automatically paint a landscape texture. The associated PCG graphs for my roads and rivers only add static meshes to the splines. I don’t think there is a way to automatically paint landscape textures from PCG graphs.