PCG only generates points within the camera view

Hi there. I am using PCG to generate trees on a landscape within a spline using a spline sampler. Because the terrain is dynamically loaded (I’m using Cesium for real-world terrain) I am using a world ray hit query to project the points onto the terrain. This works great when the entire area to be populated is within the camera view in the editor, but if part of the spline region is outside the camera then no points get generated there.

This is how it should look:

But if I rotate the camera to the left and regenerate, it looks like this:

Note that there are no trees on the right-hand side, which was out of camera view when it was generated.

This is an issue because I need to generate quite a few different areas of trees and can’t have them all in view at the same time. I guess it’s something to do with the world ray hit query?

Here’s my PCG graph:

And these are the properties of the world hit ray query (I think they’re all defaults):