PC Fans Rev Up In Simple Scene?


Sorry for the weird question - but I am currently developing a game that utelized Lumen and Screen Space Reflections.
I do not have the best PC (RTX3070, 16GB RAM, 8 GB Vram) and thought that the constant revving of my fans when playtesting the game is just that my own pc cant handle the higher graphical settings. But I downloaded the new Dark Ruins Sample and noticed how the project runs very smooth on my pc with a third person character inside.
Since I have no idea what could cause the vents to rev up so much, I wondered if someone has an idea for what the culprit might be:

Here is the gameplay test scene, after idling for a few seconds, my pc fans rev up. I dont see anything weird in the stats or do i have to look somewhere else?
The fans also die down when I click away from the engine and write this post here for example.
Engine Quality is on high.
I build the game and the fans are still working like crazy.



One way to quiet your system would be to limit the frame-rate.

Try the console command ‘t.maxfps 30’ or go into project settings and ‘Use Fixed Framerate’ (but be sure to turn fixed framerate off before packaging)

The reason why your fans quiet down when the editor is not in focus is because it limits framerate when editor is minimized/out of focus.

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Thanks! The frames jump from 70 to 90 rapidly, thats true. I will try that!