Payout info

Hello, we are very happy that epicgames gave access to anyone who wants to share their games, but we are experiencing difficulties, we sent payment data (Payout info) to myworkdaysite on March 11 and still have not received a response, no more than 10 days were specified for verification. we created PRIVATE DISCUSSIONS (00546526) but also didn’t get a response, the site says that if you have any questions, you need to write to the address:, but this address does not exist! please help us release the game in the store, we have already added achievements to the game

Hello, have you solved this problem? I have the same problem. I sent the payment info for verification about a month ago and still haven’t received any response. On the myworkday website, the status is “In Progress”.

The instructions say that you first need to fill out a tax profile and after that a letter should come to the post office.

“After the interview is complete, your tax profile is automatically submitted for verification. Depending on your location, the verification process may take up to 5 days or more. You can monitor the status of your profile at any time by visiting the Tax Info tab. When your profile is verified, an email containing next steps is sent to the organization owner, and an overview of your profile displays on the Tax Info tab. You can then proceed to the Activate Payout Account process.”

I filled out my tax profile a long time ago, but there were no emails)

At no one answers.