PawnSensing/AI Move to not working in packaged build?

Hi there! I seem to be having a strange issue that I just can’t understand. I have enemy AIs that chase the player when activated by PawnSensing. This works completely fine when I play through the game in the editor. However, if I package the project, regardless of what type of package (e.g. shipping or development), the enemy AI does absolutely nothing when it senses the player. The print strings for debugging still show that the enemy AI does in fact see the player but for whatever reason, the enemy just doesn’t move.
The whole project works completely fine in the editor.

here is my blueprint for PawnSensing below.

Update: I made a blank character blueprint, put in a cube and set it on begin play to follow the player.

This cube obviously works fine in the editor but also does not work when the package is built. Could there be something going wrong with the package building?

I’m at a loss here and this is for college work so any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated!

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Resolved thanks to this post!
However, the cube still does not move.
“So, in the project settings under Navigation Mesh I checked Forced Rebuild on Load and changed Runtime Generation to Dynamic (same as in my RecastNavMesh-Default) and tadaaaa… now my AI started to move in the packaged project.”


This solved it for me thanks. Just another one of those random form post solutions you find on the internet.

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Likewise, the Internet sure can be great. Thank you.