Pawns on client side jump / lag / overshoot target with AI move to mulitplayer

Hello, I’m making a board game style game with pawn controlled by the server using AI move to blueprint action. On the player hosting the game, all pawn move as they should. But on the client side, while moving, pawns kinda jump / lag and overshoot the target when they need to stop on a tile.
What can cause this issue ?

What I think is happening:

  • You are moving the pawn only on the server.
  • At some point the client figures out that it’s position and velocity is wrong and updates it.
  • The pawn jumps and starts moving in the direction indefinitely - the client doesn’t know when to stop.
  • At some other point it figures out it is wrong again - it overshot and the pawn is returned back.

In order to move a pawn smoothly it should move on both the server and the client and both should know when to stop. In this case these correction still can happen but they are minuscule.

The pawns moving need to be AI. Your actual pawn needs to be a simple pawn with no movement.

Ok, I’m going to try these solutions tomorrow. Thank you.

You, sir, are probably right…

I would go as far as to suggest that their game needs only replicated actors with instant teleport on the server and “faked” movement animation on the clients but I fear this is more involved than relaying on the movement components.

The pawns he’s using are the default Third Person which uses Character Movement Component. CMC utilizes client-side prediction. It’s designed to take “Movement Input” and apply it, then pass those inputs and results (SaveMove) to the server. The server applies the same inputs, then compares results. If bad it corrects the client with its results.

As AI the server isn’t using client side prediction. The server is directly moving the bots without movement input from the client. AI is Owned by the server.

Ops Clients are sending “Actions” vs “Movement”. Thus the server is not receiving movement input for the pawn, but still moving it. That’s a conflict.

Op would be better served simply using barebones pawns for the player (camera) and having the GM spawn in an Bot to move.

Think remote control, like a drone.