Pawn spawns above the ground

Hi, this is the Pawn Blueprint I’ve made:

The problem is that it spawns slightly above the ground:

As you can see I’ve made the 3D models myself, and I have:

  • Selected the Player Start and pressed the End Key to make sure it’s fixed on the ground
  • Removed the collisions on the static meshes

I have also enabled physics and the pawn actually falls on the ground at begin play, but I don’t like this solution, because the Pawn should not simulate physics and I don’t want to see it fall.

I could also move the tank base mesh down but that would be another “forced” solution.

What I would like to know is why the pawn floats on the ground for no apparent reason and what is the correct and clean solution to this.

Thank you in advance.

Hey @EnzosDeveloper. I’m not sure why you are having this issue, but in the first screenshot where you show your blueprint, you have selected the BaseMesh and in the details panel to the right is says that its collision preset is set to BlockAllDynamic. I assume the HeadMesh has the same setup. Try changing that to NoCollision on both meshes and try again.

Hope this helps

Hi @kribbeck, I tried your solution but it didn’t work.
I noticed that if I directly place the BP in the scene, when I start the game it spawns correctly on the ground. If I place a Player Start, instead, when I start the game it spawns as showed in the screenshot. There seems to be a problem with the Player Start.