It looks like Add Movement Input isn’t working properly with characters that are not possessed pawn in 4.3. I’ll be entering a bug report in our database for our developers to look over. In meantime, you can replace Add Movement Input node with something like Add Actor Local Transform to achieve a similar effect, though you’ll need to fiddle with number you multiply World Delta Seconds by:
Sadly this hasn’t fixed issue - I’ve noticed that pawn no longer exhibits usual behaviour - with both my original blueprint and your workaround method.
For example, in 4.2.1 - if I had pawn high in air, upon play/simulation it would drop to ground. In 4.3 preview, it simply floats in air.
I noticed that disabling “Enable Physics” on mesh allows character to move - but it still does not drop to ground or adhere to gravity. This also disables tongue physics I have set up.
This all works perfectly in 4.2.1
(Apologies for multiple edits - I’m typing / retyping and editing whilst testing and discovering what’s going on)
Yes, this is because we are adding to Transform of Actor rather than passing a value to Character Movement component. It’s not best workaround if you’re looking to duplicate way that component functions, including how it responds to gravity without being a physics actor.
I heard from developers about this bug this morning, and they are hoping to have it resolved by official 4.3 release. question is partly whether it is intentional or not, as it is a Character Movement component node and Character Blueprints are usually meant to be possessed. However in your case I can see its usefulness. I will let you know when I get an update on whether this can or will be changed in time.
If not, or if you need something working now, you might need to explore different methods for having your dinosaur follow your player. Adjusting transform by itself might not be answer, but adjusting transform based on movement of player might.
Thanks again for report! I’ll let you know as soon as I get some information on when this will be addressed.
I think MovementMode on character is set to “None”, which is default, which causes movement to not occur. This should have been case since 4.0, but I’m not sure how you had it working before. Did you possibly have something manually setting movement mode, in a level blueprint or other part of character blueprint (Event BeginPlay)?
Also if there is no controller, you have to set “Run Physics With No Controller” to true (advanced property under CharacterMovementComponent). This also should have been case before 4.3.
I haven’t set movement mode manually before. It all worked in 4.2 without issue. In fact, I actually started this project in 4.0. I’ve never had any issue with updating each engine iteration until now.
I tried your settings it just now - and if Simulate Physics is off, character reacts similarly to 4.2, but without physics from PHaT simulating.
I just can’t seem to get same behaviour in preview build.
Thanks for response. I appreciate you keeping me up to date with progress.
Dinosaur chases player, and also breaks obstacles that get between player and dinosaur. It can speed up and slow down based on various obstacles etc - so I used a character blueprint as it seemed appropriate - as it functions almost exactly same as player. This project began in 4.0.
I don’t desperately need features from 4.3 just yet - so I can continue with 4.2 for now - and hopefully with official 4.3 release it will work as it did previously. If not, I will explore alternatives.
and I just looked into this, and it appears there were some defaults in 4.3 that are operating differently than they were in 4.2. If you Enable Run Physics with No Controller and set Movement Mode via Event Graph as illustrated above, character should function as intended.
question of Simulate Physics, however, is a bit strange. Were you Simulating Physics on your dinosaur BP previously and it still moved? It shouldn’t have, as Character Movement settings and Physics settings do not cooperate. Is it possible you had physics enabled on just a portion of your dinosaur character, and not capsule component? It might be worth checking to see if anything changed in settings for each component between 4.2.1 and 4.3.
also saw that you can skip those two changes and simply change AIControllerClass to AIController in Defaults for your dinosaur BP, and it should work. That default was difference between 4.2 and 4.3, it seems.
I found reason for change, we no longer set a default AIControllerClass on Pawns/Characters placed in a level, and those other settings I proposed work around this. So an alternative is to change AIControllerClass on placed Pawn to “AIController” and it also works.
Find this on Pawn under “AI” category. Other stuff can be left at default (you can ignore BP workaround).
That did trick - thank you. Although I still have to disable physics for mesh, but I assume that based on what you’ve said so far in that respect, that this is intended behaviour. In which case I imagine having tongue as a separate mesh that is socketed to dinosaur and setting enable physics on tongue only will work around this.