Pawn looking at wrong direction/does not rotate

Hello everyone,

I am relatively new to Unreal Engine and struggling with a few things (I am still googling/youtube a ton of stuff) and I have an issue with the movement of an NPC as you will see, it moves to a direction but looks to another, could you please throw some ideas on what the issue might be?

If you are referring to the small silver character in your video, look for Rotation Follows Velocity or Orient Rotation To movement on the character movement component, or perhaps set your rotation before calling your move to.

Hey there @Alexs-GR7! Welcome to the community! Does it always look to the right of it’s movement vector? Then it’s likely that what’s considered it’s forward vector is actually off. Are you using AIMoveTo? In your character class, is it setup to orient rotation to movement?

Hello All,

I will check both your suggestions later once I get home from work, but I am not sure to be honest. I am using AIMoveTo for sure at some point, but I am also setting the rotation from the Task’s Event Graph. Below you will see a screenshot of the setup, which is form a youtube guide I am following but I have it the same:

Where should I find Rotation Follows Velocity? I mean is it a blueprint node I can call or is it a setting like Orient Rotation To movement (Which did not help me if I remember correctly).

Orient Rotation To Movement is off, just like on the Guide I am following, only that in his case, it’s working fine.

@Hudolus @SupportiveEntity
So, now that I am home, let me try and provide accurate details based on your questions.
Yes, I am refering to the small silver character. I am not sure where to look for Rotation Follows Velocity or how to use it. Orient Rotation To Movement is disabled on it and its parent Blueprints.
Now, maybe I am not looking at it the right way, but it seems to me that he is looking straight ahead. Should I use “Get Forward Vector” to activate it? I am using AIMoveTo like I said before, on the BTTask. I also used a Print String node to print the current rotation. Please take a look below.

Please let me know if you need more

Hello again,

I feel like I am spamming, but I need to say that aside from newbie in UE5, I am also careless and stupid. The issue simply was that my mesh was looking on another direction compared to the movement arrow and I just had to rotate it by 270 degrees.

Thank you for your time and I hope I will be back with a serious problem next time!

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