Pawn duplication bug when set to default pawn class.

Hi here’s the bug:

When in project settings is set “default Pawn class” to my Pawn subclass, and then when i package in executable, a second pawn object appears at coordinates (0,0,0)

To remove this bug i gotta set “default Pawn class” to “none”

Can someone explain this ?

Are you spawning a pawn when the game starts up or something? It seems like to me that it spawns the default pawn as its supposed to, but then it’s spawning another one from a blueprint somewhere.

I don’t know…

This is spawned only in the .exe file. Not in Ued.

There is no other blueprint spawning it’s a from scratch projet.

Don’t understand this bug, maybe i’ve corrupted the project.

Ok i found it !!!

1 - select the Pawn instance in View or World Outliner

2 - in Details tab, instance properties, Pawn > Auto Possess Player > Player 0

It works :slight_smile: