Check if you are leaving the world boundary - the easiest way to do this is to disable world border checking in your World Settings and trying to pass the border you indicated.
Hi everyone !
I setup a race game on a huge map . At a ertain point of the map it’s seems there is an invisible wall that make my spaceship disapear (or die) . I didn’t put anything like invisible wall . I try to set a biger Z kill but with no result .
All sugestions are welcome !
Jacky is correct - you’ll probably want to make use of origin rebasing if your game extends beyond the default world size.
Jargon’s solution will probably work out for you. But keep in mind that breaching the world boundary isn’t suggested if you are actually going to make a game, especially if you are making a vehicle game where physics calculations are important.
Thanks for all your answer, I’ll try tomorow when I’ll come back home to remove the boundaries in a first time to check if the probleme comes from that . What is the origin rebasing ? A kind of script ?
Origin rebasing is a way for the game to have an infinite gameworld - essentially, all of the actors in the gameworld shift position in the world when you go far enough away from the world origin, creating a new world origin.
As far as I know, the feature works but is experimental. You can enable it b enabling “World Browser” in your project settings - I’m afraid I don’t know much more than that, I’m still learning about it myself.
It’s seems that origin rebasing will be too hard for me for now, but I’ll remenber it for later .
I uncheck the world boundaries and that work . Thanks for your answers
I had a similar behavior where my player pawn was being destroyed whenever it passed beneath a certain depth. You might want to check your world settings looking for a height limitation default with an aim to disable it. (especially since by default it kills your player character beneath a certain point.