Pawn controllers get messed up after switching.

So I followed this YouTube video and an Unreal Engine documentation to create a switch pawns during runtime mechanic for a project I am working on in Unreal Engine 5.1. The Issues I have run into can be seen in this video that I recorded to showcase my problem

Every time I switch to the next pawn my input becomes messed up. I am using the Enhanced Input Mapping system in Unreal engine 5.1 in my project following along a Top down shooter guide I came across on YouTube.

As you may notice via the on screen key logs:

  • When I switch characters the A and S may become inverted
  • When I switch characters my movement speed is brought down to crawl
  • Both things happen at the same time.

This is really annoying and I have tried my best to debug it to no avail. The only work around I have found is if I switch character back and forth between the same character really really quickly it tends to fix the issue until I switch again. But this is not a good workaround especially if I would like others to play it, I would like to find a fix. Here are some screen shots of my blueprints.

Level Blue Print

Macro used to Posses Pawn in Level Blue Print

Event Begin play of Parent Character class which both characters classes are children of

Player Controller that both characters are using

I tried to bug fixe by removing the AI auto posses when not controlled by the player mechanic I implemented but that also did not bring any relief.

A similar thread with an issue like mine is this Vehicle & 3rd Person Not Moving when Possessed in UE 5.1 But their solution unfortunately did not work for me.

Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.

Give this a try… Player Controller Class

Note in the controller class you do not need to “Get” the controller, you are the controller, thus No input pin on the “Enhanced input local player subsystem”.

Unfortunately this didn’t fix the problem.