Hello, im trying to add collision for my player character which is a pawn. The box collision ist set as the root component in the pawn blueprint of the player. The level is a 2D sprite. I created a Actor Blueprint for the map and added 2 box collisions. One for the bottom and one for above. all collisions are set to BlockAll but nothing is colliding with the player. Does anyone have an idea why? Thanks for your answers.
Well, thats not exactly how collision channels work.
For one, the player isn’t static, so flagging it as world static is asking for pain.
Second, the collision you are showing for the player isnt the collision hull you added but the mesh within it.
Thirdly, chanches are you are bricking collision by having the outer collision collide with the mesh that is always inside it.
Don’t use collisions at all;
The idea behind making a pong replica is to learn how to do things proper. Using collisions (and the pysics engine) is an immidiate fail on all fronts.
On the other hand, once you learn how the math behind checking collisions, and proper movement redirection works, you actually learned something useful that is likely going to always be usueful.
And in that case, you can probably try making something using the physics stuff instead.
An Arkanoid clone is a better base option for that.