I have an actor blueprint with a mesh with collision and “simulate physics” checked. The collision is set to default on the mesh when it was imported. Inside the blueprint I have the collision set to “custom” and “ignore Pawn” checked. Out of roughly 16 blueprints, half or more still have collision with pawn when I walk over them yet these are all duplicates of each other. All settings are exactly the same on each one.
I have found a work around… I select “ignore only Pawn” then compile, recheck “Custom” collision, recheck "Collision Enabled (Query and Physics), Recheck “Block Vehicle” then compile again. This seems to fix the issue though it isn’t ideal.
I was able to recreate it in a new project. I used 1 mesh and made a blueprint actor containing it. I duplicated it until I had 10 of them. I set collision to “Custom” and checked “Ignore Pawn”. 4 of the 10 still had collision with my pawn.
I am using Version: 4.11.2-2946394
Hey Overwatch04,
I have a few questions that will help me understand the issue a bit better:
- Are you using a custom mesh or one that is included with the Starter Content?
- If you are using a custom mesh, are you able to provide that mesh?
- Could you provide screenshots of your relevant blueprints and collision settings?
- Have you tried this in 4.12.3 as well to ensure that it is not related to an issue that has been resolved?
- Can you reproduce this in a clean project using one of our starter meshes (if you’re not already using one)? If so, please provide the repro steps that you used.
I have use both custom and starter content meshes. The meshes I made are a simple oblong box resembling a box of ammo and I used “Auto Generate Collision” when importing from 3DS Max. I have not tried 4.12.3 yet, I just downloaded it last night. I do not have a good way to share the custom mesh unless you can give me a tip on how to do so.
As far as your custom mesh goes, you can zip up a test project or the asset itself, and upload it to Dropbox. Once you have done so, you can send me a PM on the forums with a link to Dropbox where I can download it:https://forums.unrealengine.com/member.php?160394-Sean-Flint
So I went back to a week old project save so I could lay out a test map for you to look at and all of the actors collisions seemed to work fine on there. The only thing I can think of that was done between then and now was duplicating blueprint actors to make other blueprint actors (renaming and changing values/info), not sure which ones were made using that method, and after a chunk of project is made and working I clone the whole project in the launcher and rename it so I have a “Backup” and I use the new clone to continue. Finding this, I believe the issue is on my end.