Pawn can't be moved

Hello, pawn movement doesn’t work neither with blueprint nor with C++.
I have a code:

 void AEnemyAIController::BeginPlay()
      DeltaTimeToFollow = FMath::RandRange(0.1f, 0.4f);
      FTimerHandle ExplodeTimerHandle;
      GetWorldTimerManager().SetTimer(ExplodeTimerHandle, this, &AEnemyAIController::FollowPlayer, DeltaTimeToFollow, true);
    void AEnemyAIController::FollowPlayer()
        float AcceptableRadius = FMath::RandRange(8.0f, 10200.0f);
        EPathFollowingRequestResult::Type FollowResult;
        FollowResult = MoveToLocation(GetCharacterLocation(), AcceptableRadius);
        FString DebugText = UEnum::GetValueAsString(FollowResult);
        UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *DebugText);


void AEnemyAIController::Tick(float DeltaTime)

void AEnemyAIController::TryToMove()
  FRotator Rotation = GetControlRotation();

  const FVector Direction = FRotationMatrix(Rotation).GetScaledAxis(EAxis::X);//Get the forward vector
  SelfPawn->AddMovementInput(Direction, 1.0f);

DebugText is always EPathFollowingRequestResult::RequestSuccessful.

NavMesh set up right, AiController posesses the Pawn.

Screenshots from BP: Imgur: The magic of the Internet

The first code is ok (what is GetCharacterLocation()?). So the problem must be elsewhere.

Create a new pawn with a floating movement and a static mesh and set its AI Controller Class (AEnemyAIController). Nothing more, nothing less.

What happens?

Thanks, I’ve done that you said, but it still the same, even the Log
LogTemp: EPathFollowingRequestResult::RequestSuccessful

Ok. Let’s try another approach.

On the previous pawn, set the controller class to AIController and use this script:

Pretentious, but now it moves!

disable mesh physics

Fixed by changing the line to DeltaTimeToFollow = FMath::RandRange(0.01f, 0.05f).