Pawn AI controller class is unselectable

I’ve made a new character class for AI but, when ever I go to select my custom AI controller it does not select it no matter what I do. I tried making a new controller class but it still does not accept it.

Hello and welcome to the community.

Your question is a little vague. Would you mind explaining a bit more? Are you attempting to set the Ai Controller in the enemy BP itself?

Feel free to provide some screenshots of your progress. I would like to see what blueprint type you’re using for the AI Controller as I am unable to reproduce the same concern on my end.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Well to explain a little further setting the Ai controller to the desired class is not really working as shown below though I can set it to the default class

There is also not much inside the blueprints as shown

even creating a new controller and class doesn’t really seem to fix the issue but I hope that helps

Can you try selecting the AI Class in Content Browser and clicking “Use Selected Asset From Content Browser” button.

I have tried that already unfortunately It didnt work

I know this might be too late, but after trying different stuff and reading/watching a ton of things on the internet I think I finally found the solution.

So basically I moved around a few folders and had trouble deleting some, which broke something and messed with the assets inside the folder.
So I moved everything to a different folder which made it work again.

Hope this helps.


Yes! I relocated my own AI_CONTROLLER in another folder, and now i can select it. Thanks!

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