Hi there, I’m trying to pause/ stop my game while a fade down happens before a new level loads. I’m working in VR, UE4.26 and I’m using the VR template. I can successfully fade down using a event on the pawn and I’m trying to create a custom event that I can call in the motion controller bp using the set game paused and set tickable when paused. The pause works and the next level loads after 3 secs (the length of time required for the fade down) but the fade down doesn’t work. I’m hoping that there’s something obvious that I haven’t done or perhaps I should be trying to solve this a different way? Any help much appreciated. Thanks Amy
hi @AmyS79
You need to be able to set the time line to tick during pause.
i have never done this but found this:
hope its of use!
Brilliant, thanks. I’ve got it working (if only I’d realised I needed to set the tick during pause to the timeline:-)
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Glad you did good luck!