New to UE4: I’m working on a simple epidemiology simulator, and I have a level with a bunch of spawned NPCs that move around and infect each other which works great, so now I’m trying to add features.
Right now, they start out infected or uninfected based on a probability value. I’d like to be able to let the user “infect” NPCs manually before the run, so I need to pause the game right after they’re spawned, and restart after selection. What’s a good strategy for this sort of thing? I’d also thought it would be cool to be able to slow down and speed up game-time during play, so I don’t know if the same method might work for both of these ideas…
something you could try is having a “custom event” or “blueprint interface” to trigger the start of them moving and or them getting infected (not 100% sure about the logic u have set up for it) so that it then starts out as if nothing is happening and then that way you can select them and have it run that event and they will be infected once you trigger the “custom event” or “blueprint interface” that will trigger their start logic. Hope this helps, If you need more help or explaining I would be happy to help!
Thank you for the answer! I now need to learn the use-cases for events vs. interfaces…how would you decide which method to go with? Right now their infection status is a boolean variable local to each NPC, but I’m working on setting up a struct so they can have more states. On collision events, they update themselves individually, if that makes sense.