I have a working Main and Pause menu which are functioning correctly.
I open the game on the main menu, i can then pick a level i wish to load. Once the level is selected i can pause the game and from the pause menu revert back to the main menu. This works as intended. The issue is when opening the levels up for a second time (after pausing the first game, reverting back to the main menu and loading another level), the game becomes completely unresponsive.
Wondering if anyone has ever had a similar issue or knows of any reasons why this would be happening?
note i have tried spawning my character high up in the air to see if it is the game crashing or not. and the game does not crash, however all controls are locked and i cannot move the character as intended with either the keyboard or mouse. the mouse does show up for a very brief moment but then disappears after 1 click
Okay fixed it as well, reb13 in my pause menu widget i was using UI mode only node for exiting, but for some reason Game Mode only worked, here is what fixed it for me, not saying it’s the right way, but it worked for me.
Fix does not work for me, when i load the game and press P, th game pauses, press ESC, click => “Resume”, game remumes as normal, but when i press P again, no menu, no movement, nothing, the only way to quit is to press ESC of quit the program