Pathtracing foliage issues

Hello. i have 2 issues with my foliage actor in UE 5.3 using pathtracing. As you can see, grass close to the camera at the bottom of animation is behaving weirdly, kind of popping up and disappearing.
Second issue is with wind at megascans trees, it looks like its “lagging” in some areas. I used globalfoliageactor for megascans trees to simulate wind.
Link for animation:
Link for screenshot: ue5-issues hosted at ImgBB — ImgBB

Console commands i used:
r.PathTracing.ProgressDisplay 1
r.Raytracing.Geometry.InstancedStaticMeshes.Culling 0
r.Raytracing.Geometry.InstancedStaticMeshes.EvaluateWPO 1
r.Raytracing.Geometry.InstancedStaticMeshes.Culling 0
r.ScreenPercentage 200
r.forceLOD 0
foliage.forceLOD 0

Any Solution for this issue? Im facing similar problem with pathtracing and wind

I dont have solution to wind, but maybe i have solution for ghost foliage (didnt tested it). In project settings search for velocity pass and set it to “write during base pass”

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like wise. wind effect is derterministic and driven by MPC paramter in the sequencer but in Pathtracer Unreal engine 5.3.2 it does not update correctly on render MRQ but does in viewport. setting project setting tro this had zero effect, Ive tried a few different console commands also, there must be awy of forcing this in the pathtracing whats clearly visible in the viewport