Pathtracer mode has a default white floor/plane enabled in the scene? Any tips to remove?

In Pathtracer mode, theres a white floor/plane enabled by default and you can’t seem to move it up or down or get rid of it. Unlike in lit mode where there is no floor enabled.

Can you remove this plane or is permanently there?

Screenshots attached:



Still have the same issue :frowning:


having the same issue.

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Experiencing the same issue as well. I can’t find any work around either. On 5.2.

I had the same problem, and even though I haven’t been able to find a fix, I’m pretty sure I’ve found the reason:

If you turn off “Reference Atmosphere” in the PostProcessVolume, the white plane seems to disappear. I can’t find a way to get through it though, except for maybe moving your entire scene away from height 0…

Any other solution would be highly appreciated!


I found the solution. You have to move the Sky atmosphere down. To do so you have to change the transform mode of the sky atmosphere to Planet Top at Component Transform and then change the Z axis to something large like -200,000.

You can still see the disk here, lower you go smaller it gets.

Hope this helps!


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