Path tracer - how to get render passes?

Hello, I’m trying to render using PT and would like to use at least some basic render passes, like lighting, specular etc. but when PT is enabled my multichannel EXR only shows base render and alpha channel, is there a way to add those?

(I know you can add Deferred Rendering Lighting pass etc. but that doesn’t seem to work well with PT, my render breaks if I add those in MRQ, probably because of high AA settings needed for clean PT render.)

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hey man, i also had the same problem. i read some “guide” on unreal docs could be done using blueprint but i still not understand how it’ll work. here’s take a look

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Hey! I’ve been trying to follow the “Rendering Lighting Components with MRQ” from the
Path Tracer Documentation and at first glance, it seems to be working for me in a simple test scene. The tutorial was a little confusing for me at first but in the end, I managed to combine all passes in Nuke and receive the same image as a simple render without any passes.

Let me know if there are some steps that you couldn’t complete or if you need a step-by-step explanation of each step that I’ve done.
Hope I could help!


Hello! step-by-step explanation will be great tho! thank you in advance!

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Any further clarity on this? I tried setting it up, but don’t seem to be getting results.

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You need to set console variables in your movie render queue settings to call the custom event that sets the process volume to these settings. You do this by using the Ke * command in “Start Console Command” section of the movie render queue settings.

The post process volume blueprint you created based on the render passes guide needs to be in the level. If there is another post process volume in the level, you need to set the blueprint one to have a higher priority so it overrides any other ones.

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This should be a lot easier in Movie Render Graph. In 5.5 you’ll be able to isolate passes right from the Pathtracer Render node.


thank you! will try that out


hello there. it seems that i cant get the indirect emissive option. how did you get that?

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have you try Movie Render Graph in UE 5.5? i dont try it yet, but i heard it have a better options for this kind of stuff

You would have to enable Affect Indirect Lighting While Hidden the emissive object to then set the visibility to false.

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