Path to Content Dir from Java code

I’m trying to get access to some files that are stored in the content directory from Java code that I’m adding to the project with Unreal Plugin Language.

So far everything I’ve tried hasn’t worked (various paths in GameActivity like InternalFilesDir and ExternalFilesDir, /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/myprojectname, the relative path returned by GetProjectContentDirectory, some others). I’ve been poking around in, AndroidJNI.cpp, AndroidFile.cpp, and some others trying to find a hint.

The directory with the files is packaged with “Additional Non-Asset Directories To Copy”, and I’ve found them in the .apk under apkfile/assets/main.obb.png/projname/Content/MyDir". So I know they are there, I just don’t know where to find them once they are installed to the device.

Ok, so I figured out some of this. After learning a bit more about OBB files and what UE4 is doing with it, I discovered that the file I wanted to read from Java didn’t exist, as it was just stored in the OBB which it looks like UE4 reads into a data structure in memory to serve up from its own file utilities. So I’m looking into getting it out of here, and writing it to the file system so my Java libraries can read it.