Hi, i am currently working on 2D Grid Based SandBox Game like “RimWorld” or “Terraria” or something like that.
i just create grid pannel that when i clicked it, it prints the index number on screen. and i am planning structure of my code work but i can’t choose what way should i use for path finding.
what i need and planning is like this.
- The game’s perspective is side view like “Oxygen not included” or “Mario”
- Not injured character can jump 2 Blocks height and some high leveled (or has some item) character can jump 3 blocks height.
- Character will avoid to fall if it can be dangerous
- some item may be added in the game which make character climb 4 block height wall or immune fall damage and turn off avoid function
- some type of character may can fly as they want, and it can be controlled by player.
- if possible, grappling hook or something like that may be added.
- if possible, like “Terraria” i want make terrain block smaller than character. not 1block size = 1character size.
i looked for find the options i can choose and i thought unreal only provide nav mesh way, and if i want to add special movement like ‘jump the wall’ or ‘climb the wall’, ‘fire grappling hook’ i should edit it by my self. which i am afraid i can or not.
and for easy way, i thought making multiple nav meshes for each special movement or flying entity. but when i searched about it, some people said you can make multiple navigation meshes and some people you can’t.
once, i barely implemented A* to my old project and it seems works normally but i am not sure whether make A* is the best option or not.
and if unreal support multiple navigation mesh so that i can use it some how, since i am just a beginner developer i don’t know which one is better for various sides like performance or easy usage, easy to add new move type like things.
so i hope to hear advanced developer’s opinion for my 2D Grid Based game project’s path finding system.