Patchwork Ocatve Trigger Request

I am trying to build a looper functionality in Fortnite creative that I had previously built in Unreal Engine in our Steam game . I am using the Patchwork devices as that is the only way you can get to the Quartz clock for timing (although possibly the pulse device might have too). In any case, I have 7 patchwork sequencers each tied to a separate instrument (drums, bass, lead, pads, etc). Each instrument is tied to a fusion sampler patch that has a loop/sample for each note in patch. This all works fine except that I have more than 12 samples in the fusion patch so I get at them by changing the octave on the sequencer but I cannot change the names of the samples on a device I wrote because the Patchwork Note Sequencer does not send out a signal that I can subscribe to when an octave is changed. The note trigger tells me when a note changes but I could really use an octave trigger device as well. I have a work around kludge to do this but requires multiple trigger devices, value setters and custom verse devices. Here is a video showing what is going on and discussing what I think would be a good add at least in this case for my looper.

Any ideas?

hi! we have functionality we’re working on for a future release that will offer you the ability to react more directly to changes in knob values, and we’re looking forward to getting that out, to enable the experience you’re after, plus much more. so, stay tuned for that! but in the meantime, your current kludge is probably the best approach.

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I decided just to add multiple copies of the sequencer hard coded to the octave instead of messing around with the kludge. I will improve it when new features are available. Takes up a lot of real estate on the screen and all the meshes must be costing me something in memory and cpu, but, it is easier probably for the players to interact with this more direct approach for now.

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