I’m new to UE4 and want to learn BP by creating a tic tac toe game. The level consists of 9 Class BP Actors arranged as 3 x 3 Cubes. I can already change individual Cube colors by clicking on them.
Now I want to start working on the game logic in the Level BP. I’ve created an event dispatcher in the Cube BP that passes on the Index (which of the 9 Cubes it is). I was assuming that in the Level BP, I could have a single event dispatcher that would be triggered when any of the Cube’s dispatcher was called and I could identify which one it is by the Index parameter. But it appears I have to create 9 unique dispatchers to make it work, because I can only add and event in the Level BP for each Cube instance individually selected in the level.
There must be a better way pass on the index of the clicked cube to the level script?