Pass CharacterMovement to Child Actor Components

I have this simple hierarchy of blueprints… At the top, the Character actor, then below it contains 2 Child Skeletal Mesh actors, labeled A, B and C respectively. The idea is that I want to pass the B/C children actors Character Movement Component present on the parent A actor, so that the Animation Blueprint will have access to the parent’s velocity and actor transform.

However, as there is a layer of separation, I can’t simply use Get Owning Actor within the blueprint to retrieve the Character Movement as this retrieves the B/C actors. I tried setting a variable within the children to maybe store the Character Movement Component reference, but I think it becomes stale as any subsequent Is Valid call will fail.

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Okay lets see: (sorry for the late reply)
Each character class has its movement component. I guess you want to trigger animations in the AnimBP?

E.g. if the player dies, the AnimBP should play the death animation?

P.s.: within the AnimBP its “try get pawn owner”