Hi I’m a bigginer and I have question .
I have an actor , it’s some kind of bomb and it’s has a virtual function
named OnComponentBeginOverlap that I bind it with a delegate to the root of actor wich is a sphere
Some thing like :
Now that’s my question I want to pass a boolean to a AnimInstance or another actor . when player overlap with current actor , I don’t have a problem with overlaping I test it , my problem is passing the bool from this class to another class
I tried defrent ways but unfortunately it’s still not working
I will be very happy if you answer my question, I know it’s shall be very easy for you
I test it , that was true
Thank you , I am glad we have good guy like you in commniute
But some thing I want to add ,
you forgot a '’ Singh in line 5 you want to create a variable
and for other guys who will see this you can use this line of code to have direct connection to the character UAnimInstane
UCharacterAnimInstance AnimInstance = Cast(myactor()->GetMesh()->GetAnimInstance());
UCharacterAnimInstance is your custom UAnimIntance
myactor is referenced to the answer comment