hello everyone,
how can I pass an unreal project from one PC to another?
Is it possible to do this only with export?
If so, which export would you recommend?
thanks for your help
Yep! You can zip up the files and put them on a thumb drive. But you should know that you don’t need the Binaries, DerivedDataCached, Intermediate, or Saved folders. Those are all auto generated on the other PC. You really only need the Content folder and the *.uproject file.
Dont forget source folder too. And plugins. And also config.
Greetings @AsekYl
Welcome to the Unreal Engine Community Forums! As some of our lovely community below mentioned, you can indeed pass it over to another PC. You’d just need to zip it up and send it over. I use flash drives to do so normally. But, you can email it to yourself or whatever method you’d like that gets the transfer completed. As long as the other PC meets all of the Unreal Engine requirements, you should be good to go! I hope this helps!
Thank you all
Will zipped project open without dependent plugins? Or I have to Install all the dependent plugins first ?
Zipped projects are normally opened with third party applications such as Winzip, Winrar, etc. They’re just used to open the zip file and extract your files.
Zipped project is handy because it is a just one file that can be unzipped in other places… and just work… provided the plugins are also installed in the second pc.