Particles not rendering UE 5.1.1

My particle systems stopped rendering after I updated to 5.1.1. I don’t know if it was the update that did it, but I have only been placing assets into my level recently, so I’m not sure how I would affect all particle systems. I first notices that my snow and rain in Ultra Dynamic Sky were in the level yet not rendering, then I tried some other partible effects from other packs, like smoke and flame. Nothing was showing. Two of the times I hit Play Mode I got this warming which sounds related, “SceneCapture has no viewstate. This may affect Virtual Shadow Map caching performance. Consider enabling bAlwaysPersistRenderingState or bCaptureEveryFrame.” I could not find much information on this warning or how to do what the warning instructs. Anyone have any ideas on how to get my particles back? Thank you for your time.


Update - My particle effects seem to render on other maps. What would cause particle effects to not render on one map, specifically? A setting in the PostProcessVolume maybe?

Apparently, PostProcessVolume Translucency has to be set to Raster rather than Ray Tracing if you want to see particle effects. I have not seen this said or documented anywhere. Maybe it is a bug? Either way, that seems to be the solution: Raster Translucency.

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  • That helped me, thank you very much
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