Were you able to follow the tutorial page and create a Particle System with a ParticleText module?
What’s your overall comfort level in Blueprints and Particle Systems/Cascade?
Section 1.5 in the tutorial map shows off this case. If you look at the 3rdPersonPawn Blueprint, you will see how the VertSufaceActor param of the particle system gets hooked up so that the particles spawn from the mesh of the actor.
If you can give me some more information about which part is confusing, I can try to help some more. Are you comfortable spawning generic objects upon a character’s death? If so, spawning a particle system should be roughly the same.
Hi KuroSekaie,
If the edges of text are a bit hard to make out, here’s another thing to try:
1.) Inside the particle editor, disable all the modules causing the paticles to move around (Like Initial Velocity)
2.) Inside the Text Location module, click on the Mask Value box and drag left/right.
(reenable all those disabled modules once you’re done)
Because this module is using a greyscale rendered image of the text as the source of where to spawn particles, Mask Value is the greyscale value at which it’s considered a valid pixel. In more technical terms, it effectively downsamples an 8-bit image to a 1-bit image to create a grid of on/off particle source positions.
Sometimes it can be hard to get crisp outlines with text that has a lot of anti-aliasing and lot of small holes, so it’s worth importing a few fonts to see what looks best with particles applied.
I’m getting confused with setting it up, If possible please share a simple video tutorial on how to set it up, Its a request. Thank you for your help and product.
Hello, Can you help me? Everytime I tried to active the particle system it will appear using the previously value. For instance, I hit the enemy and I activated the particle system P_Ratta and change the text value using the ParticleTextParam to the damage dealt. The problem is that it will always show the previously damage. Consider the following example: I hit the enemy with 30,60,60. What I see in the particle is: RATTA, 30, 60. First it shows the default value and then the second value, etc.
Hi FFehn32,
The results of the SetParam* functions are asynchronous (because it has to submit a job to render a texture and asynchronously read it back from the GPU), so you’ll have to wait a frame before activating your particle system.
Something like this:
That looks amazing!! Its working now, thanks! I have one more question, how do I make it work the Instance parameters? I added one as color, named it Color and selected color. But the color is not changing…What else I am missing?
Whoops, sorry, was looking at the wrong map. SetColorParameter should work fine, as the ParticleText module doesn’t mess with color at all.
Which particle system are you using?
Are you calling SetColorParameter before Activate?
Do you accidentally have more than one Color module in your emitter?
Hey, I am trying to use the plugin with 4.25 project and I am unable to change the text params on runtime. I have the Particle Text Param component attached to the Particle System and it is working in the viewport, as in if I set the text to be something like “Hi” the text changes to “Hi” on spawn so the param component is working that way but when I attach the Set Param Text to begin play and try to change the text to something else on spawn it doesn’t work at all. Can you tell what might be wrong?
Hey, thank you for this awesome plugin !
I’m using it on mobile and it’s working as intended for the exception of the textparam change in realtime, I can only set the text once before building & if I try to change it in game it dosen’t work, are you working on a fix for the mobile platform ? if not, I’ll be thankful if you can point me to right direction… Thank you and have a nice day.
Hi aksniper87,
A few questions:
1.) What version of UE4 are you running?
2.) What android sdk are you targeting in your build settings?
3.) What android device are you running on?
4.) Does the same textparam change work for you in the editor?
I’ve tested text changing on my android phone, and it should work, but it’s possible I’ve missed something.