Particle emission and texture sampling in Niagara

I have two questions regarding Niagara in Unreal Engine 5.1.

  1. Fine control of particle emission in a Niagara System: Is it possible (through Blueprints) to emit a single particle with arbitrary location and velocity somewhere within the simulation grid? This is pretty much the finest level of control that there could be. I don’t need to know how to do it, just whether or not it’s possible.

  2. Texture sampling: Is it possible (through Blueprints) to read back the simulation density and temperature textures from the GPU? For example, I wish to know the temperature at the centre of an actor, to determine if said actor is suffering heat damage. Again, I don’t need to know how to do it, just whether or not it’s possible.

Thank you very much for any information that you can provide.

1 - Yes it is possible.

2 - I dont know… But I think using that path would cost a lot of CPU processing. Don’t you think it’s easier to do it using some concentric collision boxes?.. The OnBeginOverlap event is wonderful.

Make it easy!!

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@Invan3z What files need to be under source control? My project contains a half-dozen Niagara systems, and it’s 700MB. I can’t find the relevant files.

I’m sorry… I just saw your message… better late than never.

You can delete these folders:


Best regards!! :heart: