Hello! This is a recurring problem I have had throughout all Unreal Engine versions… I have never really investigated the problem, but I have noticed it and believe it has to do with parameters of a mesh. So when I import a mesh into Unreal Engine, it usually works, textures and all. However, it seems that when I go near it, there is a barrier keeping the player from going near the mesh itself. This is quite a problem because I decided to import an entire map, and it would seem that the player can not properly walk through it and touch the walls properly without this barrier messing with it; even in open spaces such as hallways. Any reply is appreciated; thank you!
Turn collision off in the static mesh viewer. You should import your objects as individual meshes with their own collision setup and construct your level in the level editor viewport.
Importing a new object will now create a default collision object around it if there aren’t UCX or other hulls defined in the exported mesh from the DCC.
Level building guide:
FBX Pipeline documentation:
I hope this helps! Good luck!