i am unable to get how this is gonna work. i must be dumb. can u please make any tutorial video for exact what im looking for.
Parallelcube's Misc. Tutorials (Material effects, Dynamic textures, Outline effect, Audio analysis.)
I have make a small project to show you how to use Set Render Custom Depth node to enable/disable the outline effect
I’m using the Outline Only material, so the Stencil Value is irrelevant only need to be greater than 0 for the spheres.
You can see the swith logic inside the Sphereswitch actor blueprint
All the steps are in the tutorial Outline effect (Part 1) – Parallelcube
- Copy the M_Outline_Only material to your project and make a Material Instance
- Enable custom depth rendering Window > Project Settings > Rendering > Post Process > Custom Depth-stencil Pass and set it to Enabled with Stencil.
- Put a Post procress volume with Infinite Extend enabled and the** Material instance of the outline material** in** Post Process Materials
- **Put a custom Stencil value greater than 0 to the mesh of both spheres
- To enable or disable the outline set the value of** Render Custom Depth** to the mesh of the sphere
If you can’t make it work give me more details about the errors or about what you can’t see.