Parallax corrected cubemap reflections for mobile (ES2) - possible ?

Is something like this (second part of the article) present in UE4:

and if so, would it work on mobile (ES2)? Are there any tutorials on how to set up material for “reflective” surfaces ?


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Simple and ez to try with ES2.

Fixed the link.

From what I’ve read, UE4 has parallax corrected cubemaps by default, but for PC/consoles. There is no word whether it’s the same for mobile platform.

Basically I am after material that has pre-made cubemap in it to have fake reflections. It doesn’t even have to be a cubemap per se. It can be (if it can be) an equirectangular image generated in UE4 (I am hoping there is a way to generate one in UE4 and save it)

If you look in the Mobile details in the material editor you will find High Quality Reflections. It uses more cube map lookups to give a more correct reflection; I believe this is what you want.


From reading about reflections I see that cubemap reflections are only possible through Reflection Capture actors (sphere/box). Would that be slow on non-VR mobile or Gear VR ?

Since they are precalculated it should be fine. High Quality will add shader instruction and sampler cost, though, to any material using it.