Paragon Morigesh animations are broken, could someone fix it, please?
the animation below is: Sprint
Paragon Morigesh animations are broken, could someone fix it, please?
the animation below is: Sprint
Hi there,
In the skeleton editor, select all bones, except IK bones, Root and Pelvis, and right click, choose the option below and hit save:
Still, this animation is get better, but not perfect. You can retarget a sprint animation from any female character with similar body proportions, such as Yin or Aurora.
I’ve played with Paragon anims retargeting for about 3 weeks. Some major issues I see:
I believed that Paragon animation packs are incompleted and/or broken.
It seems impossible to retarget animations across Paragon characters. Because each of them has different weapon types. The hands, body, and foot moving will not be the same across characters and animations.
Let’s take a look at Sprint_Fwd of some characters:
Countess - Sparrow - Dekker
Kwang - Fengmao
You will see that there is no Sprint animation that has the same looking as Morigesh.
Could UE team take a look and fix this problem if possible, please? Even if you don’t have time, please guide me a solution then I can do it by myself
Thank you
One more problem: really, only there are a few characters who have non-combat transition animation. Something similar to Countess TravelMode_Start:
Hi there,
AFAIK, Paragon characters were designed by different teams, having in mind that each character had to be unique and easily recognizable. That ended up generating multiple skeletons, binding poses, and body proportions. This design concept didn’t prevail in Fortnite and more recently in Lyra, which all its characters share the same skeleton and animations.
That said, I wouldn’t expect a fix for these animations, since Epic has generously gifted us with these amazing free assets (worth US$ 16M) to be used as starting point for our UE-based projects.
I’m a c++ developer without any artist experience. I truly appreciate UE team. These paragon characters inspired me a lot to start playing as an artist. I have been working with Blender for about 3 months, followed some tutorials on youtube. Just tried to get familiar with the tool to twitch Paragon characters.
As you said, it is very expensive. So, the more expensive, the more worth it to be fixed.
I do not really understand why you don’t expect a fix. Is that because no one in UE team is working with this stuff anymore?
That’s correct, and I also truly appreciate Paragon assets. I wouldn’t expect a fix because the Paragon project was closed, and we haven’t had any updates since Epic made them free assets back in 2018.
Here is a livestream explaining Paragon’s animation system:
Animation Blueprint Setup & Walkthrough | Live Training | Unreal Engine Livestream - YouTube
Thank you for letting me know.
Hopefully, UE team will fix these soon. Because these assets are very valuable and also extremely expensive. That would be a huge waste if they are incomplete.
Would you know how could I let UE team be aware of these issues?
Asking here is the best way?