downloading the paragon asset Dekker(via fab/epic add to project)
when the asset is added to project. opening any skeletal mesh (material/physic/skele) of any of her content crashes the editor. this happens in 5.4 and 5.5
is this a known issue.
is her files corrupt?
dx12 rhi sm6 ,tried with lumen/gi (on off) fsr (on/off) tried with substrate (off/on)
not able to open any of her assets,
when the download is finished .
if i goto download dir or leave it idle. this also even triggers the crash (without opening her files even) bizarre. but if i save in time (had to download a few times to learn this) the files stick and i may try export fbx see if they are corrrupt but anytime i doubleclick one of her files the engine just crashes.
Hey there @WildeHoney! There have been reports that some users are experiencing issues with most of the Paragon assets, however I have been unable to replicate them thus far. Attempting to find a correlation in either system hardware or the crashes to identify a better way to report it, but most have been different issues.
I haven’t tried using a paragon char in a couple of months. However, I ran into the same problem as Wilde and that is with multiple paragon assets. I remember it seemed to have something to do with material parameter collections. When I “emptied” those out, the crashed stopped. I remember clicking on certain materials and textures and getting the same crash.
Hey there @Street_Mage! Welcome back to the community! As of now I found one issue so far with some of the Twinblast skins in their materials and some effects, but not the base model. That’s likely what’s causing some issues on some of the other models as well. I had only been testing their bases previously. Thanks for the heads up!