Paragon character shooting weapon

Hello. I’m using a paragon character, now i want it to shoot, but these characters have the weapon mesh integrated in the body skeleton, what could be the best way to work this?

Open the skeletal mesh for the character the animations are made for.
In Skeleton, Retarget Manager, go down to Select Right and click to open
it to find Humanoid. Select that and save.

Now do the same with the skeletal mesh for the Paragon figure.

Now that you have set a rigging compatible with both skeletal meshes, you can convert animation resources from one to the other.

Right click on am animation you want to have work on the Paragon figure.
Select Retarget Anim Assets and the following option that appears.

In the menu that comes up, select the Paragon figure’s skeletal mesh and click Retarget.

A copy of the animation will be created that is fit to the Paragon figure.
(Be sure to rename it immediately. It is hard to assign them when they and the originals have the same names.)

Now you’re able to assign that animation to the Paragon figure.


Thanks for the detailed answer Mr Eslake, sorry but i’m not sure that is what i wanted, i should have specified that i wanted to use the paragon character own shooting animations, not the ones of the mannequin. Again, i appreciate your work, thanks very much

Ah, sorry.
Playing an animation you have for the current character is more direct, and can be done multiple ways.
The more “correct” way is to add it to the AnimBP for the character, but I’m a little busy to break that down at the moment.
(creating a state for it, setting up a flag to signal its use then playing the animation as any other in its own state in short)

The more direct way is to use a Montage.
Go into the AnimBP and double click to open the AnimGraph
Drag out of the state machine and type Slot… Connect that into the Output Pose

Now your AnimBP is ready to flow from current animation to a montage and back without breaking.

Find that shooting animation.
Right click and create a Montage of it.

Now you can cast to the AnimBP (if you’re going to do this often, get a reference to it and save it, changing if needed)